Trending job categories

Browse through popular job categories and land your first gig. Work on interesting projects per hour or freelance IT jobs, whatever suits you. Collaborate with industry’s big names and be a part of our growing community.

How Flance works?

Flance is all about simplicity – find the best talent pool, hire the best creative heads and make hassle-free payments. Simple.

Post jobs

Place a job post with project-based pricing or hourly-rates; whichever suits you. Get bids from job seekers instantaneously.

Hire freelancers

Choose the most capable freelancer to work on your project. Strike a deal that will work best for you.


Once the projects are completed, start the approval process. After processing, make the payments securely from anywhere, anytime.

Hire best talents

Explore a pool of freelancers with work experience looking to land on their first big gig. Revise the placed bids made by job seekers and connect with only those who can make a difference. Discuss about the payment upfront and settle on one that can accomplish your task.

Featured jobs

Browse through millions of job postings; create a solid job portfolio to improve your chances of securing a huge gig. Perform research on a project or a company and decide which would best work for your case.


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What our clients say about us?


Bhavin Shah

"One of the most promising freelancer platforms I’ve come across. Reliable, easy to find candidates and top-notch security made my outsourcing efforts seamless. Flance is a sure winner."

Smritimay Debnath

“I believe companies should rely on Flance for finding the most capable freelancer to work with. Stop relying on generic job boards and find your workforce at Flance for a perfect, smooth experience. Kudos guys, great job!”

Mary Ocallaghan

“The level of freelance talent that I’m able to source is truly outstanding. Versatile, genuine and simple – Flance is highly recommended for all.”

Venkatesh Bishu

“My experience with Flance has been overwhelming. I have posted several jobs on web development, mobile app, PHP coders and have worked with them on several technical projects. Flance exceeded my expectations. Thank you for such unparalleled service.”

Fantastic facts

Flance operates as a one-stop solution to hire the talent required to soar your business higher. With easy job search & post features complete with verified profiles and guaranteed payment on projects – it is one of the trusted talent-seeking platforms. For any enterprise niche, we got you covered.


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